Admission Enquiry


Computer Lab

IPPS has Computer labs for juniors and seniors. It is a place where students can learn and explore computer and IT concepts. The computer lab serves as the center for teaching computer use to whole classes, usually by a specialist computer teacher. Classroom teachers also use the lab with their classes for research, or for creating technology-based projects. It provides an opportunity for the students to understand and internalize the basic concepts through practicals

Physics Laboratory

The School has a well-equipped laboratory for Physics, and Students are encouraged to use this laboratory to learn through experiments.Every year the latest instruments, specimens, charts, etc. are purchased for the lab. We have a spacious and well equipped Physics lab with a combined classroom for working out Projects in a thoroughly scientific Environment.

Biology Laboratory

The School has a well-equipped laboratory for Biology, and Students are encouraged to use this laboratory to learn through experiments.It provides an opportunity for the students with the latest state-of-the-art facilities that equip the students to have hands-on experience through performing a practical session. Every year the latest instruments, specimens, charts, etc. are purchased for the lab.

Chemistry Laboratory

The School has a well-equipped laboratory for Chemistry, and Students are encouraged to use this laboratory to learn through experiments. It provides an opportunity for the students to understand and internalize the basic concepts through performing a practical session. Every year latest instruments, specimens, charts, etc. are purchased for the lab.

Social Science Lab

Social Science lab is established to help students to develop and implement social and scientific Attitudes in their lives. The attraction of the labs are the models of natural disaster, rainwater Harvesting, and rain gauge.

Math Lab

IPPS has Labs for juniors and seniors. It is a place where students can learn and explore various mathematics concepts and verify various mathematical facts and theorems using a variety of activities and it is well equipped with necessary kits and tools. It provides an opportunity for the students to understand and internalize the basic mathematical concepts through concrete objects and situations. It provides greater scope for individual participation in the process of learning and becoming autonomous learners.

Language Lab

These labs are equipped with all that it takes to further the intense study of languages and other subjects.

Planned in Next Session