Admission Enquiry

Academic Environment

IPPS’s academic environment is multi dimensional. In conjunction with the Montessori methodology our academic environment encompasses the following:

Student Teacher Ratio –

At The IPPS, we believe that young children need individual attention and therefore, the student teacher ratio is maintained at no more than 1:12 in grades 1 and 2. Lower teaching ratios tend to have a positive effect in developing the confidence of the child, and her ability to quickly learn concepts under the aegis of the teacher.

Continuous Learning Periods –

Traditional periods are designed to last from 30 to 45 minutes. However, this time is just enough to get a child started into a subject. It is not enough to help her with deeper learning. Therefore, wherever possible, efforts are made for periods to last from 60 to 90 minutes. This helps the child develop concentration on a particular topic for a longer period of time, thereby fostering better learning.

Connection to Society –

At IPPS, we believe that a person is incomplete of she is not able to connect to society at large. Therefore, it is not good enough for a child to excel in academics or sports. They should be able to connect to people, be able to express them in a variety of ways and learn to adapt in any environment. Our music, arts and dance programs provide our students with a way to connect to society. Children at our school are also provided exposure to environments outside the classroom through field trips to a variety of places.

Design as a Part of Curriculum –

Tomorrow’s world is not just about engineers, scientists, doctors, historians, oceanographers, economists, businessmen or other such professions. It is about people in all these professions being able to create integrated solution using multi dimensional approach. Knowledge of material science would help an artist break boundaries in what she creates. Therefore, at IPPS, we have made design an integral part of our curriculum.

Enquiry Based Learning –

Enquiry based learning is a system that helps children learn by investigating scenarios, solving problems and dissecting questions. As compared to memorizing, this approach provides children with a much more powerful way to understand concepts and remember them.

Information in Multiple Forms –

True learning occurs only when information is viewed in multiple forms. For example, a leaf can be examined as a function of biology, chemistry, physics and even art. When the same piece of information is presented to the child in multiple forms, the child gets to see a holistic picture of the topic.

Project Based Learning –

In conjunction with design and enquiry-based learning, children learn by doing multiple projects through the academic year. Children can do projects independently, or the teacher and parents may assist them. Each project has a specific learning purpose, which is clearly defined at the beginning. Children especially love to work with their hands and such involvement helps them learn better.

Creative Thinking –

Linear thought processes will no longer work in an increasingly complex world. Therefore, the School has a program on creative thinking that teaches students various techniques to think creatively and arrive at innovative solutions to various problems.